TBrowseFolder Component Written by Todd Fast Copyright (C) 1996 by Pencilneck Software. All rights reserved. Version 1.0, lego 10-6-96 Description: Native Delphi component that encapsulates the SHBrowseForFolder interface, which allows Win32 users to select a directory using the standard Explorer-like treeview dialog. Contact: tfast@eden.com pencilneck@hotmail.com Distribution: This component is freeware. As such, Pencilneck Software gives no warranty to its accuracy, fitness for any particular use, effects of use, or reliability. This component may not be distributed as a part of another component package without Pencilneck Software's written consent. It may be freely distributed, although it must be distributed with all original files in their original format intact. If you use this component in your software, please include an acknowledgment that portions are copyrighted by Pencilneck Software. Please contact the author, Todd Fast, at one of the above addresses with questions, comments, bug-reports or any updates you make to the component. Included Files: BrowseFolder.dcr - The toolbar glyph BrowseFolder.doc - Component documentation, in Microsoft Word 6.0 format Demo.exe - Simple demo to see just what the component does without installing it BrowseFolder.pas - The component source file Readme.txt - This file Shlobj.zip - Required files not included with some Delphi installations. Note: The Shlobj.zip archive cointains Borland's compiled Shelobj and RegStr files. These files are required to install and use the BrowseFolder component, although the default Delphi installation should include them. I am including these files with the component because I've had some reports that certain Delphi installations did not include them. To use them, put both files in the \Lib subdirectory of your Delphi 2.0 directory.